Our Story & Why We Are Sticking To It.

I write about personal health, physical, mental and spiritual. I believe that every adult, and in particular parents and carers, need to inform themselves about what they put into their minds and bodies and into the minds and bodies of those for whom they have responsibility.

I love, as an interested layperson, to write about these topics.

I teach Yoga and Pilates. I am a licensed acupuncturist and a trained massage and neuromuscular therapist. I am a trained hypnotherapist and have been known, occasionally, to both use and to practice Reiki energy healing and Qi Gong.

I also have 3rd level degrees in Computer Science, English Literature and Philosophy all of which inform the tone of my attempts to understand, research and take responsibility for my own health and that of my family.

Some of the issues I have had particular history with are back pain, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations and severe sinusitis, to name a few.

I hope that you find this blog both interesting and useful as a starting point to pursue your own research and your own journey towards good health, even if at times you may vehemently disagree with my point of view.

Happy reading and may you always be in good health.

Liam KB.